Posting Some Numbers at BSD Hound

We’re hounding for numbers here at BSD Hound! If you are beginning to think about investing, there are a few statistics that might interest you. Let us look at a few of them now, of course, with the understanding that numbers and stats do change. But here are a few for starters.

There is a site called “Young and the Invested” that posted a few interesting tidbits a while back. They reported that, according to the Federal Reserve, the median (not average – MEDIAN) bank balance for households is about $5,300. How do you compare?

Here’s one that won’t surprise you, if you follow mortgage interest rates. According to Statista, in 2020, mortgage interest rates were at their lowest, with a 30-year fixed-rate at about 3% and the 15-year fixed-rate at about 2.3%. Wow!


Anyway, we’ll be discussing numbers here at BSD Hound, so stick around for more coming your way!